Hello, and welcome to the exciting world of Gum and Graffiti removal,
Brought to you by The Gum Giant.
The scourge of gum and graffiti on our buildings and sidewalks grows every day,
FIGHT BACK! with The Gum Giant gum and graffiti removal service.
Click here for a coupon - 10% off new customer discount.
For a quick quote over the phone call (734) 255-6085 or email: service@thegumgiant.com
You can text me too, it's just that easy. |
How Does it Work? and what can The Gum Giant do for you?
For sidewalk gum removal: I use high-volume, low pressure steam combined with a biodegradeable, eco-safe solvent to melt and vaporize the gum, then suck it to it's doom with a hepa-certified wet-vacuum. I then pressure-wash the entire sidewalk - rinsing clean any remaining gum residue, dirt, foulness, etc.
For interior gum removal - for instance, from the bottom of tables or bar stools:
Same as above, but without the pressure-washing. It really works! |
What about Graffiti? I though that was Art?
No Way! Graffiti is rarely art. Most graffiti is really 'tags' - obnoxious name signing, a scrawl akin to a dog marking it's territory. Tags and graffiti create an urban eyesore, and must be eliminated. The Gum Giant can help. Using special bio-degradeable solvents and other methods including steam-removal, I will rid you of graffiti, from any surface. Even paint markers and Sharpie tags go bye-bye when The Gum Giant is around. Stickers too are no match for our arsenal of cleaning solutions.
I will clean it all! For the latest news visit my BLOG page... |
See for yourself.
Before and After:

Contact The Gum Giant for customer references and testimonials.
Interested? Contact me for your free estimate.
The Gum Giant (734) 255-6085 service@thegumgiant.com |
Other Services Offered
I would be remiss if I did not mention the other fine services offered by The Gum Giant, which include property maintainance of all types, hard surface cleaning and sealing, painting and refinishing, weatherization, flooring installation and repair, and more - just ask! |
More links and interesting information about gum, graffiti, and other unpleasantries of urban life can be found here:
The Gum Giant's Gum and Graffiti Blog |
The Gum Giant Home | Coupon | Pictures | Services | Blog | (734) 255-6085 |